Steve Delbray
Alias Bistou Montagne
Frustrated as a child not to have been born during the era of great explorations, I began my adventurer's epic while being born in this magnificent wild place that we call Paris...
I could have settled for my biology studies to live a tidy life in a nice office without windows, but over time the feeling of being suffocated and of not being in my place was stronger!
Wanting to discover the world without the filters of television or organized trips, I left the Paris region instinctively heading towards the mountains and seasonal work which were then unknown to me.
This atypical way of life gave me plenty of time to travel to satisfy my desires for discovery, encounters and exchanges around the world!
It was only after several years of this life that I realized that the people I met during my seasons envied me or found my life extraordinary when it had always appeared to me only as normal. This often gave rise to this kind of exchange:
Frequently Asked Question: "But how do you go to a country you don't know on your own? I couldn't"
Disillusioned Response: "Well yes, you just have to take your bag and leave"
Finally, during a season when I was offering nature activities in a chalet-hotel, I decided to take the mountain guide diploma: throughout the season, customers wanted me to take them believing that I was a guide and they seemed sincerely sorry that I had no authorization to accompany them as a professional.
This is how the idea of Bistou Montagne was born, a concept of travel at all levels, from a simple half-day to multi-day trips, because we all have different desires for adventure!_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
By offering you activities in the mountains that change from the banal snowshoe hike or by helping you to set up a travel plan that then seems impossible to you, I hope to be able to help you dare your odysseys!
Because from the hiker who seeks safe contemplation to the Carpathian adventurer who wants to go beyond the mountains, we all have our dreams to achieve.